Saturday, January 26, 2008

RTL: Reading for a Purpose" Text User

Different texts for different Life Activities - help kids find books that satisfy their life purposes (pg 124)- isn't that the push of young adult lit? To help kids process life things like divorce, racism, suicide, etc... to find themselves in the books - or to help them find empathy for those in situations unknown to the reader?

Genre Teaching - be careful not to stifle creativity by requiring strict adherence to genre form when writing...

Reader Purpose vs Author purpose - (and teacher purposes!) - all transactional - once the writer wrote it - hey let go - things are going to happen in the transaction!!!

Children and Magazines - target children's interest! Use what they are reading already!

Levelled reading books - be careful -- sends message that value is place on moving up thru the levels not reading for meaning - choose books with good stories, interesting characters, compelling twists - with something to generate real discussion!

Integrated Curriculum - like ESL - if students see learning English as something they only need to think about during ESl class, then it loses its power and potency - integrate it across curriculum and students can make the connections

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