Sunday, March 23, 2008

KVS: Keeping Track Moving FOrward Ethnographic Approach to Assessment

Definitions of Ethnographic Study on the Web:

  • The systematic collection of data derived from direct observation of the everyday life of a particular society, group or subculture. ...

  • CH 8 - pp 116-134

    1. use a number of data sources to safeguard against simplistic thinking/conclusions

    2. Fieldwork= collecting data but also knowing how to access it, revisit, analyze, and use it


    • Taking notes - use notebooks or observation sheets to focus you on what you are looking for - learner characteristics or group process or observations of minipresentations
    • Replaying activities - videotape or record interactions so you can look at them later
    • Surveying students - when we have direct questions on our minds - or want input about what is working or not...
    • Tracking activity - what ideas have students been interested in over time, or how have certain students' social interactions changed over time, or how have reflections of each changed over time -describing growth articulating goals
Evaluating Growth, Determining goals - not a linear process - converging, expanding never-ending students learn from and about...

  • working with others
  • learning how to develop and pursue agendas
  • learn to research multiple viewpoints
  • learn to listen to others
  • learn to re-think their previous positions
  • learn to envision different futures, etc.
  1. Revisiting Data - put it in your schedule so you do it - make it part of a regular routine
  2. Choosing a Focus - create an observation sheet to guide our inquiry
  3. Using FLexible Systems: Narratives, Observation sheets, and Locally Generated Criteria - list descriptors aligned with what you hope they are learning how to do - from these, create the obs sheets, surveys, checklists, etc.. that let you record activity and see growth over time
  4. Gather many perspectives - more than one observer - staff, students themselves
  5. Set goals - students should be able to set concrete goals for their learning and moving forward
CONCLUSION - Literacy is more than mastering a list of sequenced skills, it is becoming a certain sort of person (pg133)

Invitations get students to become not just readers/writers... but THINKERS:
  • becoming literate includes...
    • asking questions
    • developing agendas
    • exploring perspectives
    • going public with their thinking
    • generating new questions and
    • working to challenge a simple understanding of the world
Invitations get students to use language as they were learning language!!!!! This has always been my underlying philosophy about language teaching and learning...

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