Monday, July 7, 2008

L 517 Brozo - Motivation

pg 133-162
7 Guidelines for Creating Motivating Contexts for Literacy & Learning
  1. Elevate Self-Efficacy
  2. Engender Interest in Learning
  3. Generate situational interest (for a particular lesson)
  4. Connect outside- with inside-school literacies and learning
  5. Make an abundance of Interesting Texts available
  6. Expand Student Choices and Options
  7. Structure Collaboration for Motivation
What might get in the way?
  1. students who come to HS already defeated - feeling like they can't succeed in reading - providing enough background knowledge to be successful- or choosing activities in the communities in which students have a great deal of bg knowledge
  2. active participants vs passive learning, how does it relate to their lives, provide opps for enjoyable reading
  3. time, money/resources, assessment pressures

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